some useful suggestions about giving constructive feedback to peers or subordinates:
the effective feedback is to delivered it as soon as possible (all members still have fresh memories about what have happened)
1. focus your feedback on specific behavior that were successful or unsuccessful: boleh memotivasikan mereka untuk meneruskan tingkahlaku yang baik dan memperbaiki tingkahlaku yang kurang/tidak berjaya.
2. keep personality traits out of your feedback by focusing on 'what' rather than 'who': kenalpasti hasil yang berjaya atau gagal dicapai.
3. investigate whether the employee had control over the results befor giving feedback about unsuccessful behaviors
4. feedback should be given as soon as: jangan tangguhkan dalam memberi maklum balas samada berjaya atau gagal.
5. ensure privacy when giving feedback about negative behaviors: pemerhati boleh jadi akan memberikan reaksi yang bertentangan dengan maklum balas anda. maklum balas positif boleh dinyatakan di khalayak ramai, untuk tujuan memberikan penghargaan kepadanya.
(source: adapted from s.p. robbins and p.l. hunsaker, training in interpersonal skills, 2nd ed., upper saddle river, nj: prentice hall, 1996, pp. 73-75)
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