Masih jelas di minda bisikan suaramu...memanggil
Di situ langkahku bermula penuh ceria kau di sisi
Lantasku utuskan lagu untuk menyatakan
Terima kasih kerna hulur tanganmu.
Untuk ku gapai tulus jiwamu
Bicaramu itu kan ku ingat selalu
Menjadi azimat hingga ke akhirnya
Dengan tubuh kerdil itu dikau mengharungi onak dan duri
Derita yang berkalang duka kau tempuhi jua walau terseksa
Nilai pengorbanan itu yang kami banggakan
Mendung kan berlalu pergi
Sinar mentari kan kembali menyinari
Berkat doa dan usaha
Akhirnya lahirlah kami semua
Moga Tuhan merahmatimu
terima kasih
terima kasih
managing productive meetings
Labels: managementmanaging productive meetings
1. ask yourself if it's important even to schedule a meeting: jika sesuatu isu itu hanya dapat diselesaikan melalui emel atau memo/notis sahaja, tidak perlu untuk mengatur mesyuarat!
2. schedule the meeting for an appropriate place: pastikan bilik mesyuarat dapat memuatkan semua yang hadir dan mendengar perbincangan dengan jelas.
3. create an agenda for the meeting including topics and time limits, and distribute it ahead of time: setiap ahli mesyuarat ada hak untuk merancang keterlibatan mereka dalam mesyuarat. pastikan mesyuarat sentiasa dalam perbincangan tentang agenda mesyuarat sahaja.
5. follow the agenda's time limits for each topics: jaga masa. sekiranya perbincangan melebihi masa yang ditetapkan, langkau kepada agenda seterusnya, dan agenda tersebut dibincang semula selepas semua agenda yang lain telah selesai.
6. leave some open time for topics that may not have been included on the agenda: sekiranya isu tambahan yang dibincangkan melebihi masa mesyuarat, tangguhkan dan masukkannya ke dalam agenda mesyuarat akan datang.
7. end the meeting with a plan of action: bincangkan langkah-langkah tindakan yang perlu diambil berdasarkan keputusan mesyuarat.
(source: r. volkema and f.niederman, "planning and managing organizational meetings: an empirical analysis of written and oral communication," journal of business communication 33 (july 1996): pp. 275-293; e.a. micheals, "business meetings, "small business reports, february 1989, pp. 82-88.)
provide constructive feedback to others
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Monday, June 18, 2007
some useful suggestions about giving constructive feedback to peers or subordinates:
1. focus your feedback on specific behavior that were successful or unsuccessful: boleh memotivasikan mereka untuk meneruskan tingkahlaku yang baik dan memperbaiki tingkahlaku yang kurang/tidak berjaya.
2. keep personality traits out of your feedback by focusing on 'what' rather than 'who': kenalpasti hasil yang berjaya atau gagal dicapai.
4. feedback should be given as soon as: jangan tangguhkan dalam memberi maklum balas samada berjaya atau gagal.
5. ensure privacy when giving feedback about negative behaviors: pemerhati boleh jadi akan memberikan reaksi yang bertentangan dengan maklum balas anda. maklum balas positif boleh dinyatakan di khalayak ramai, untuk tujuan memberikan penghargaan kepadanya.
(source: adapted from s.p. robbins and p.l. hunsaker, training in interpersonal skills, 2nd ed., upper saddle river, nj: prentice hall, 1996, pp. 73-75)
practices associated with leadership by managers
Labels: leader skillspractices associated with leadership by managers
planning & organizing: objektif jangka masa panjang & strategi; kenalpasti keutamaan; mengurus modal insan & lain-lain sumber ; menambahbaik koordinasi, produktiviti & keberkesanan.
problem solving: kenalpasti masalah berkaitan, punca & penyelesaian
clarifying: memberikan tugasan
informing: komunikasikan berkaitan keputusan, perancangan, dan aktiviti-aktiviti
monitoring: kumpul maklumat berkaitan aktiviti kerja, kondisi luaran, kualiti kerja; penilaian prestasi
motivating: gunakan teknik mempengaruhi, memberi semangat;
consulting: pemerhatian sblm melaksanakan perubahan, galakan penyertaan dalam membuat keputusan
recognizing: memberikan penghargaan
supporting: 'berkawan', sabar & membantu, simpati
managing conflict & team building: memudah cara penyelesaian, galakan bekerjasama, kerja kumpulan
networking: 'grapevine', sertai aktiviti-aktiviti sosial/tidak rasmi
delegating: memberi kebenaran/tanggungjawab/autoriti kepada orang bawahan
developing & mentoring: 'coaching' & kaunseling kerjaya, memudah cara kemahiran dan kerjaya orang bawahan
rewarding: pulangan/gaji yang sesuai/berpatutan
planning & organizing: objektif jangka masa panjang & strategi; kenalpasti keutamaan; mengurus modal insan & lain-lain sumber ; menambahbaik koordinasi, produktiviti & keberkesanan.
problem solving: kenalpasti masalah berkaitan, punca & penyelesaian
informing: komunikasikan berkaitan keputusan, perancangan, dan aktiviti-aktiviti
monitoring: kumpul maklumat berkaitan aktiviti kerja, kondisi luaran, kualiti kerja; penilaian prestasi
motivating: gunakan teknik mempengaruhi, memberi semangat;
consulting: pemerhatian sblm melaksanakan perubahan, galakan penyertaan dalam membuat keputusan
recognizing: memberikan penghargaan
managing conflict & team building: memudah cara penyelesaian, galakan bekerjasama, kerja kumpulan
networking: 'grapevine', sertai aktiviti-aktiviti sosial/tidak rasmi
delegating: memberi kebenaran/tanggungjawab/autoriti kepada orang bawahan
developing & mentoring: 'coaching' & kaunseling kerjaya, memudah cara kemahiran dan kerjaya orang bawahan
rewarding: pulangan/gaji yang sesuai/berpatutan
(source: garry yukl & david van fleet, "theory & research on leadership in organizations, "handbook of industrial & organizational psychology, 1992, vol. 3, pp. 149-149, by l.m. hough & m.d. dunnette (eds).)
skills for leadership
Labels: leader skillsskills for leadership
1. influence skills: leaders direct people toward a goal or end result. a manager may have formal power to use reward and punishment to induce compliance, but the best leaders make people want to do things.
2. delegation skills: a good leader assigns others responsibility to get the work done. inability to delegate is likely to lead to lower employee motivation. when employees no longer search for the best way to do things, the leader loses influence.
3. flexibility skills: to be an effective leader, you must adapt to the situation confronting you and the charisteristics of the individuals you wish to lead. what eorks in one situation or with one person may not work in others.
4. motivational skills: to be successful requires creating a work environmental in which employees are fully dedicated to the task at hand and want to contribute more.
1. influence skills: leaders direct people toward a goal or end result. a manager may have formal power to use reward and punishment to induce compliance, but the best leaders make people want to do things.
2. delegation skills: a good leader assigns others responsibility to get the work done. inability to delegate is likely to lead to lower employee motivation. when employees no longer search for the best way to do things, the leader loses influence.
3. flexibility skills: to be an effective leader, you must adapt to the situation confronting you and the charisteristics of the individuals you wish to lead. what eorks in one situation or with one person may not work in others.
4. motivational skills: to be successful requires creating a work environmental in which employees are fully dedicated to the task at hand and want to contribute more.
effective ways to organize your work
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Tuesday, June 05, 2007
effective ways to organize your work
1. multitask appropriately: doing two or more things at once - can be helpful when dealing with 'things', not people.
2. use technology wisely: technology can waste time for you or save time - must be wise!
3. give yourself thinking time: close your door if possible and spend an hour each day working without interruptions.
4. establish priorities: have get to notice between 'urgent' and 'important'.
(source: s. covey and r. merrill, "news ways to get organized at work," usa weekend, february 6, 1998, p. 18)
2. use technology wisely: technology can waste time for you or save time - must be wise!
3. give yourself thinking time: close your door if possible and spend an hour each day working without interruptions.
4. establish priorities: have get to notice between 'urgent' and 'important'.
(source: s. covey and r. merrill, "news ways to get organized at work," usa weekend, february 6, 1998, p. 18)
skills for managing human resources
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Tuesday, June 05, 2007
skills for managing human resources
1. congruency skills: need to ensure that human resource programs and practices are attuned to changes in the and the enviroment.
2. hiring skills: need to hire the right person at the right time.
3. training skills: need to prepare employees for job and career changes.
4. performance appraisal skills: to provide constructive performance feedback to help employees capitalize on their strenght and improve their job performance.
5. pay allocation skills: compensation is the payment employees receive in exchange for their labor - powerful tools to keep your best employees; and likely to affect their behavior.
1. congruency skills: need to ensure that human resource programs and practices are attuned to changes in the and the enviroment.
2. hiring skills: need to hire the right person at the right time.

4. performance appraisal skills: to provide constructive performance feedback to help employees capitalize on their strenght and improve their job performance.
5. pay allocation skills: compensation is the payment employees receive in exchange for their labor - powerful tools to keep your best employees; and likely to affect their behavior.
effective time management practices
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Tuesday, June 05, 2007
the following practices help managers eliminate or reduce time-wasting behavior and allow them to be more proactive:
1. plan list of things that need to be done today.
2. plan weekly, monthly, and annually schedules of activities.
3. schedule difficult and challenging activities when you are at your highest level of energy and alertness.
4. set deadlines.
5. answer phone messages and e-mail in batches during a lull in your work schedule.
6. have place to work uninterrupted.
7. do something productive during nonproductive activities.
(source: d.a. whetten and k.s. cameron, developing management skills, 4th ed., upper saddle river, nj: prentice hall, 1998.)
2. plan weekly, monthly, and annually schedules of activities.
3. schedule difficult and challenging activities when you are at your highest level of energy and alertness.
4. set deadlines.
5. answer phone messages and e-mail in batches during a lull in your work schedule.
6. have place to work uninterrupted.
7. do something productive during nonproductive activities.
(source: d.a. whetten and k.s. cameron, developing management skills, 4th ed., upper saddle river, nj: prentice hall, 1998.)
stail ketua dalam membuat keputusan
Labels: leader skillsstail ketua dalam membuat keputusan
the leader should 'look' to every level of organization (top, middle, & bottom) before taking any decision and action
1. membuat keputusan dan mempengaruhi: ketua menyelesaikan masalah dan membuat keputusan berdasarkan maklumat yang diperolehi. tiada penglibatan daripada orang bawahan.
2. mengumpul fakta dan membuat keputusan: ketua mengumpul fakta daripada orang bawahannya dan membuat keputusan.
3. konsultasi dan membuat keputusan: ketua berunding dengan orang bawahan secara individu, mendapatkan idea dan pandangan mereka, seterusnya membuat keputusan.
4. kosultasi dalam kumpulan dan membuat keputusan: ketua berunding dengan sekumpulan orang bawahan, mengumpul idea secara kolektif, seterusnya membuat keputusan.
5. keputusan kumpulan: ketua berkongsi masalah dengan kumpulan dan menerima keputusan yang dibuat dalam kumpulan, bertindak sebagai 'coach' kepada kumpuland dalam proses membuat keputusan.
(sumber: v.h. vroom & a.g. jago, the new leadership: managing participation in organizations, englewood cliffs, nj: prentice hall, 1988; r.l. daft, management, 4th ed., fort worth: dryden press, 1997, p. 295.)
1. membuat keputusan dan mempengaruhi: ketua menyelesaikan masalah dan membuat keputusan berdasarkan maklumat yang diperolehi. tiada penglibatan daripada orang bawahan.
2. mengumpul fakta dan membuat keputusan: ketua mengumpul fakta daripada orang bawahannya dan membuat keputusan.
3. konsultasi dan membuat keputusan: ketua berunding dengan orang bawahan secara individu, mendapatkan idea dan pandangan mereka, seterusnya membuat keputusan.
4. kosultasi dalam kumpulan dan membuat keputusan: ketua berunding dengan sekumpulan orang bawahan, mengumpul idea secara kolektif, seterusnya membuat keputusan.
5. keputusan kumpulan: ketua berkongsi masalah dengan kumpulan dan menerima keputusan yang dibuat dalam kumpulan, bertindak sebagai 'coach' kepada kumpuland dalam proses membuat keputusan.
(sumber: v.h. vroom & a.g. jago, the new leadership: managing participation in organizations, englewood cliffs, nj: prentice hall, 1988; r.l. daft, management, 4th ed., fort worth: dryden press, 1997, p. 295.)
avoiding pitfalls in the decision-making process
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Sunday, June 03, 2007

1. solution focus
2. premature evaluation
3. the "if it isn't broke, don't fix it" syndrome
4. bias toward objective data
5. overlooking important constituencies
skills for managing: time management & delegation
Labels: manager skillsskills for managing: time management & delegation
time management skills: to make good decisions, managers need time to understand the problem and develop creative solutions. they need to be proactive by planning activities and priorities so that enough time is budgeted for the important decisions to be made, and also to become aware of activities that waste time.
delegation skills: managers who know how to delegate are able to accomplish more than those who feel the need to be involved in every decision, no matter how trivial. many managers mistakenly believe that subordinates are not able to make effective decisions. managers ubalbe to delegate find themselves with too many tasks and decisions and too little time to do everything well.